Charles' Photo Journal

Welcome to Charles' photo album. I've collected many photos on various trips I've taken with friends, and I've tried to build a journal around the photos as much to jog my own memory as for the enjoyment of guests to this web page. Feel free to browse through the photo collection and let me know what you think.

If you find an error in either format or content on these pages, please send me an email so I can fix it. Happy surfing!

Travels Europe 98 England, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands
Europe 99 CIMBA Program, Italy, Greece, Hungary, Czech Republic
Millennium in Spain Spain
Europe 2000 England, France, Belgium, Luxembourg
Quebec 2001 Quebec, Canada
Hikes Grand Canyon Various Grand Canyon Hiking Trips (including Havasupai Falls)
Alpine Hikes High Altitude Hikes: Colorado Fourteeners, State High Points
Other Arizona Hikes AZ hikes: Wilson Mountain, Superstitions, Four Peaks, Mount Wrightson, Mount Baldy, Mogollon Rim, Picacho Peak
Others Family and Friends Family, Friends, etc. (coming soon)
Hobbies Hobby related photos (coming soon)
John's Photos My friend John's photo album

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