Courtesy of 3DFlags.comCastle Peak (14,265 ft) and Conundrum Peak (14,060 ft), Aspen, Colorado

Castle Peak (14,265 ft) and Conundrum Peak (14,060 ft), Aspen, Colorado

Hike Stats Date: September 3, 2006
Castle Peak: 14,265 feet Base: ??? feet Vertical Rise: ??? feet
Start: ?? Summit: ?? Return: N/A
Conundrum Peak: 14,060 feet Base: from Castle Vertical Rise: ?? feet
Start: ?? Summit: ?? Return: ??
RT Dist: ~?? miles Conditions: Partly cloudy

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Double bagging of Castle Peak (14,265 ft) and Conundrum Peak (14,060).

2006-09-03 Castle Conundrum
(1 album)
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